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It’s our 8th year of working with the Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo Elders.


We’re grateful to our supporters for recognizing the importance of connecting to nature through those who live to support Her.


We’re grateful for the ever deepening relationships with Elders who have become family and for the teachings that have brought us so much closer to understanding our connection to all that is and to ourselves.



  • Teyku Reclamation: Indigenous territory and traditional practices have been compromised due to lack of resources and encroachment. An acquisition to liberate a 32-hectare sacred site in the SNSM supports reclamation and protection of a Kogi Esuama (critical point of sacred wisdom for the Kogi). A wisdom school at Teyku will fortify a resurgence of wisdom schools where Mamo and Zaga (traditional wisdom keepers) schools need to be re-introduced and supported. Teyku will also provide a self-supporting community agriculture project and way-of-life education in building, crafts and music.


  • Kuivi Fund: The Kuivi Fund supports young initiates training to be mamos or zagas. Traditional training is an ongoing practice with a foundational time commitment similar to public primary and secondary institutions in the western world, but focused in personal growth and Earth Stewardship rather than in skills that serve the workforce in the industrialized world. Fiscal sponsorship encompasses what initiates would normally provide in the community (such as weaving and farming) but can’t be responsible for during training. Funding also provides for initiates’ living expenses and supports the travel and time of established mamos and zagas, wisdom keepers and teachers. Hundreds of teachings from the Law of Origin are passed to the initiates.  This is an essential aspect of cultural preservation.


  • Casa Salvaguarda: There are no Indian reservations in the capital of Colombia or in the surrounding area. Establishing a reservation in the vicinity of the capital will strengthen the ability of all Colombian Amerindians (102 ethnic groups) to share cultural values, practices and wisdom and give them a neutral environment where they can discuss challenges and get support. A community is already forming on site and an influx of indigenous seeking refuge and council from mamos and zagas who resides there.


  • Record and Transcribe Narration of Ancient Wisdom Teachings: Knowledge of The Origin, the creation story of Earth, the instructions for caring for Her and all flora and fauna, and explanation of universal law, has been passed via word of mouth from generation to generation for thousands of years. Cultural context needs to be understood for the teachings that will be translated from native languages to Spanish and English. Many stories require days to tell. Hundreds of stories, lessons and rules must be recorded, translated interpreted and transcribed from the 3 languages of the Kogi, Wiwa and Arhuaco. Teyuna culture has been markedly threatened by westernization in the last 4 decades. Most of the traditional Elders, mamos and zagas, carry the teachings and are now very old. The Teyunas’ way of life, including traditional study, is threatened. An archive of traditional teachings must be created before they’re lost. This project is extremely time sensitive. It began in 2023 and will continue for approximately 5 years. The budget provides for labor, recording equipment, translators, travel, lodging and food. 


  • Worldwide Pagamentos: International gatherings for Mother Earth held quarterly and lead by mamos and zagas for the purpose of sharing wisdom teachings and traditional practices with people around the world. Pagamento is the core practice of the Teyuna and the reason, they believe, for their existence. Worldwide Pagamentos give people the opportunity to learn about Earth from a spiritual perspective. Each Worldwide Pagamento is preceded by an introduction, and followed by Q&A.


  • Operating Budget: Staff salary and wages; information technology; consultant/professional legal/accounting in Colombia and North America.


All projects are sent to us via Mamos and Zagas

who’ve consulted via divination.

Thank you for you interest and support.


In the fall of 2021 we launched Bunshanduna Wisdom School with Mamo Senshina, Habba Ulaka and Abu Santa. Our next semester will be announced soon. 


We’re developing solid relationships with organizations in Colombia and are working hard at a grassroots level to get very clear on our work on the ground and strengthen it. Since we began our journey with the Teyuna it’s occurred that there were many organizations and much confusion. It’s an easy place to spin wheels. It seems sometimes as if everyone has a brick, but no one can build a home. We need to join forces. Our relationships with Organización Shinawindua Kunshama and Patrnato Inca have implemented successful projects on environmental and traditional education, forest ecosystem conservation, reforestation and rural sustainable development. We are very inspired by the work we can do together.


Looking Ahead


  • A Creole-Amerindian Institute is planned. Teyuna Foundation has been asked to create a place of refuge and learning for all Amerindians on the North American continent after the South American places of refuge are complete. Creole originated from Western Europe and spread eastward to the Indian Ocean in Mauritius and westward to the Americas. Creole spanned throughout the Americas and formed the army, with leaders like Simon Bolivar, that ended colonization for a time. The relationship between Creole and Amerindian is still revered in carnival celebrations held yearly all over the continent. The Creole established Gran Columbia (Brazil to Guyana) and New Granada, evocative of their exodus that begun in Granada, Spain. Location TBA.


We’re grateful to continue to share the Mamos and Zagas teachings with hundreds of people and most importantly, to inspire deep hope.


You can read about some of our work below. Each project has very interesting general information about the Teyuna as well. Please view and email us if you have any questions.

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