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We aim to help preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity of the peoples of the Sierra Nevada and consequently support the Teyuna in living harmoniously and peacefully within the Sierra, and within the world.


At TEYUNA, our purpose is to create a collective impact towards sustainable development through critical awareness and commitment. TEYUNA is more than just a project or an activity, we are a group of people who are deeply committed to making a positive contribution to our planet. We strive to inspire a critical mass of consciousness and social responsibility so that we can together create a better future for all.

Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Times



Teyuna is the name divined for this foundation by Elders in the Sierra. The Spanish changed the name Teyuna to Tairona during colonization and the mamos and zagas we work with wish to reclaim the original name of Teyuna, a spiritual father of the people of the Heart of the World.



2018 / PRESENT

  • Traditional university focusing on the Original Principals through a philosophy and music program

  • Operating Budget

  • Supported Kogi-Wiwa Mamo Senchina and Habba Maria Luisa Nakogui Mojica in fostering  Shindwa Wisdom School. Shindwa is the spiritual...




Introduced to Teyuna (Tairona) Elders in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia in 2016 and asked to be of service to Earth through them: to help protect the land they ...



Has an extensive background in business development in Hispanic territories across the world for over 32 years...

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At Teyuna, we are dedicated to creating a more sustainable, fulfilling, and just future for all. We believe that through collaboration and hard work, we can make a real impact in the world, both on a local and global level. Join our team of passionate professionals and contribute to a movement that is making a real difference. Together, we can build a better tomorrow for ourselves and for generations to come.

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